
How to Convert Customer to Lifetime Customer

In the last article, we looked at what to do with your standard customers, already having covered your list previously, so without further ado, we'll now continue further down the resources and talk about the remaining three which are how to convert your customers to affiliates and Joint Venture partners promoting your products and what you should or shouldn't be doing to Increase customer lifetime value.

Please note, if you haven't read the previous articles, you should do so, as this won't make any sense otherwise and you'll only get part of the picture. So read...

How to Increase Profit Without Increasing Traffic

Your List is Your Installed Base Profit

Customer Solution Profit Model

Customer Life Time Value (From Wikipidia)

“In marketing, customer lifetime value (CLV), lifetime customer value (LCV), or lifetime value (LTV) and a new concept of "customer life cycle management" is the present value of the future cash flows attributed to the customer relationship. Use of customer lifetime value as a marketing metric tends to place greater emphasis on customer service and long-term customer satisfaction, rather than on maximizing short-term sales.”

What to Do to Increase Customer Lifetime value

Ok, next up along the line of resources comes your lifetime customers. At this point I'd usually tell you about how important life time customers are over something else, but as you may have noticed, they're all as important as each other, and you'll have a hard time keeping the numbers up effectively without a nice selection of each of the big five primary resources.

Moving on swiftly, lets look at the probably the most important part here, and that's turning your customers into lifetime customers, or big buyers. Now just because they're in this phase and haven't bought your first high ticket item after standard follow-up procedures, doesn't mean they're useless, and will only ever buy the fifty dollar products from you.

Far from it, but it does mean one of three following things:

1- You may have a gap in your marketing system that they fell through, whether it was your intro product, your follow up strategy or your sales letter.

2- They couldn't afford to purchase the larger product.

3- They weren't interested in what you had to offer.

For those reasons, you have to make sure to cater to all of them when you launch your next products. They will receive your small intro product, and as a follow-up to this they will also receive your larger high-ticket product.

This is important here, because if they didn't purchase your first high priced product, you'll want to get them in at the bottom again before you do anything else, and have them move through your intro product up to the bigger product.

If your first time around was shoddy, they'll know your game, and not buy into the second fresh new product line you've set up, and never move through to buy high-ticket items from you.

Now as a follow-up to this, you'll want to also notify them directly about your high-ticket item some time after you notify them of the intro product. This way, you're again regenerating the trust and the familiarity of your brand through your intro product and at the same time, having those that didn't move up the ladder through your first product move up now.

And of course don't go thinking that people will be annoyed that bought the intro product to receive a bigger, better product later, again for the reason that your intro product is a real, and helpful product, not just a cheap excuse to sell bigger stuff. It's ethical, it covers all angles relating to your standard customers, and what’s more, it works like a charm.

Our process of increasing the potential lifetime value of a customer doesn’t stop in how to convert customers to life time customers buying your high-ticket products. We want to get out more from them! We want them to promote our products to their customers lists. Doing so, we are not going to make only big money but we are going to add their customers to our customer list! This is what we are going to discuss in the coming articles. So stay around.

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Customer Solution Profit Model

In the previous article entitled “Your List Is Your Installed Base Profit” we have discussed the importance of an email list and what to do with your subscribers to keep them on your list and convert them to customers to Increase Profit.

To convert your subscribers to a profitable customer base you need to invest to know them, create a solution, and develop the relationship. Once they trust you they will do business with you.

Invest time and energy in learning. All what you need is to know about your subscribers. Then use the knowledge to create specific solutions for them. Treat them well. Sell your products at lower prices to convert them to customers. Once they spend money with you, they will never stop buying your products. You may lose money for a short time. But you will make money for a long time. This is your first step in implementing your customer solution profit model to increase home business profits.

What to Do With Your Customers?

Let’s move from your list and your most general form of targeted marketing, let’s take a look at the first specialized section of customer solution profit model which is your customers list. The group of people that have bought from you at anytime only one product.

What you'll start to see is as we get more specialized and move up through the process of creating your customer solution profit model, things start to get easier to figure out what to do and when to do it when crossing your resources over. It's also important to note, that with customers, and them being lower in numbers than your list, it's easier to make a mistake and lose profit potential rather quickly if you're not careful about where you're setting foot.

The solution is, when thinking about what to do with what resource, remember to always think in terms of where these people are going next in the standard form when setting orders in the way of importance. For example, with our customers, in the standard flow of things, they'll be turning into your big buyers. The people that buy products from you at the highest price, again and again.

Once more, customers may not seem like much now, but in the future, this is where your big profits are going to be coming from, hence their major importance, and the general attitude is that you should give them something a little extra for their time. That’s not because they're more demanding than your list, but because the profit potential is much higher for you.

Organizing Is the Key to Success

Now, before we even start, we're seeing a new problem emerge. The organizing and managing of five different resources that all overlap can become a complex, time consuming and confusing task, and that's not what we want. I can rightly see why many just take all their five resources and just bundle them into one list.

I'd highly suggest you avoid doing this even if you're just promoting other peoples stuff or very rarely create your own products. Keep them separate. If you carry this section out correctly, it won't mean a huge amount of extra work, aside from five short mailings instead of one. And this can be handled the easy way if you are using aweber autoresponder to manage your lists!

Managing Your Customers

The reason I mention the above is that when you get to this stage, the people out there that do things this way and keep their resources separated, try to give them the earth. For example, if I told you how valuable these people are, and you wanted to turn them into affiliates, how do you do so?

The general answer would be to give them higher commissions. This however is not worth your trouble, because we're overlooking one serious flaw in your customer solution model. Unless your product is geared to give higher commissions in the beginning to people who purchase it, these people aren't necessarily suited to affiliate material, and in my experience, it's best not to bombard them with affiliate signup pages and adverts about how much they can make unless that is a specific benefit of your product.

I'd suggest to you that the only way around this is not to do the above, because your main aim is not to make them promote for you, but to buy your higher priced products and move up the ladder. So the solution is treat them as such. When you're mailing them about a new product, include information about how much they can earn promoting for you.

I highly recommend not deviating from the original plan and flow of the chart with these important people, especially when it comes to trying to turn them into affiliates. You'll gain plenty of them via the other resources, leave well alone trying to give them bonuses or bigger commissions at this stage, because otherwise you'll just end up with a big tangled ball of yarn and a headache. We'll get on to just how we make them valued in a moment.

Customer Solution Profit Summary

Summing this up then, your customers are important to you and have a specific role. They are your profit solution. Follow the steps mentioned here and do not change that role at this all important stage. I f you do you can do more harm than good. If you're going to contact them about anything other than research or sales of your products, refer to your research first and do it personally and individually for joint ventures, and avoid it altogether for turning them into affiliates.

If you really want your customers to become affiliates as to plug the gap, make sure you have a higher commission integrated into the products they're buying from you, so they can take this offer up as a benefit if they're interested in the first place, and not to do it as afterthought.

Right, we're going to stop this one here as not to give you information overload. In the next article, after the summary that follows, we'll continue looking at how to cross your resources to get more out of them when we take a closer look at what to do (and what not to do) with your long term customers, affiliates, and joint venture prospects. We'll also be taking a look at a few of the generalized ideas about treating all your lists correctly.

You’ll see exactly what effect this has later, but I can tell you now, that when you launch into this type of cross promotion of your resources, you’ll be drawing on all of this knowledge without having to wade through a bunch of text when you’re busy launching your products and managing resources. It may seem a little strange right now, but I assure you, it’s for the best, which you’ll be finding out for yourself very soon. See you in the next article "How to Convert Customer to Lifetime Customer"

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How to Increase Profit Without Increasing Traffic

Would you like to learn how to increase profit, how to increase sales without increasing your website traffic? If so, Here’s your chance to learn how to take your existing resources and cross them over in such a way that they begin to build themselves. This marketing strategy allows you to boost your promotion power exponentially when others are having trouble even building a list that makes a single sale.

Did you know that you can promote your products successfully in such a way that it never has to cost you a penny?

What we’re going to discuss here is your five primary resources, the lifeblood of any online business. I’m going to show you how to increase profit using your existent asset which is your email list. I’ll show you how to move your potential customers list (Installed base profit) from being casually interested in your products to being customers, lifetime customers, active affiliates to Joint Venture partners promoting your business.

All of the above we’ll refer to from this point on as your five main resources, the big five or your promotion power.

Each one of the big five have the power to make you sales, and build you a profitable work at home business. Imagine being able to take those five resources and manage them in such a way that you never have to worry about traffic. You don’t need to pay to get new customers, buy a list of email addresses or recruit more affiliates and Joint Venture partners ever again, but still having countless thousands of them flowing into your lap.

It sounds absurd, but with the right management of your resources, you’re going to be seeing their usefulness double, multiply by three, four or even by five. What does this mean for your profits?

Well, have you ever worked it out in your head how much you’d make if you doubled a penny every day for a month or two? The principal here is the same, but instead of money, you’re using your resources. The more you have, the faster they build each other. The true power of real exponential growth is at you fingertips. You just have to know how to realize its there and understand how to use it to your advantage.

Relationship Marketing

I strongly believe that treating your customers right is the only way a business is going to survive. Treating your customers right is the key to success, as well as a nice thing to do, and this is what you have to continually strive for.

In this article series entitled “How to Increase Profit Without Increasing Traffic” we’ll discuss the concept of resource management and customers’ treatment. As well as a selection of literal ways to get the most out of your subscribers without giving them the earth for free, we'll also be taking a little bit of a lateral diversion here.

You see, when I say treating your customers right, I'm not just talking about how to keep your customers happy. Although this is important, what I'm going to show you is much more important, and much more beneficial to you, and it should alter the way you think about what you're doing and how you're doing it.

That is exactly what this article series is about. Not just being nice to people so they trust you more, we're going deeper than this to start with. We'll leave the easier stuff until afterwards.

Overview of The Working Concept

The whole idea here is based around a kind of a cross promotion strategy, which is not new, but when we look at it in terms of the five main resources you've been gathering it becomes a different strategy. What we're planning to do here is to take the promotion power of the big five, tie them together and double what they're doing for you without bringing in anyone new.

Like any beginning, The concept starts with a foundation, and your foundation is your list of email addresses that you have collected yourself from visitors on your website or obtained through a reputable opt-in/double-opt-in company.

So, the start point is your website. Using the site itself as a base to create an optin email list and launch each resource onto the next stage in the ladder where possible, whilst at the same time bringing in new blood. We are going to move people (your list of email addresses) around so that they can reside in multiple places, which in turn, can double, or even triple your promotion power and increase your profit simply because one person becomes two, three and up to five different resources on their own. Powerful stuff!

We're going to move people around without bringing in new subscribers if you have an existing email list and you don't want more, to increasing the productivity of the people you already have. The main thing I want you to keep in mind here is the concept, as that will form the basis of your whole web based marketing outlook.

What we're going to do in the next posts is to go through each resource, and look at the most effective ways to cross them over to another resource, whether it's worth doing, why you should or shouldn't do particular things with each section, and most importantly, which ones are going to increase your profit.

Even if you don’t have all of these resources at your disposal yet, don’t worry. The aim here is to show you what’s going to go on when your promotions do go out and be prepared. Let me assure you, the speed that the five main resources come in may turn around and surprise you, It’s going to come in very handy, very soon. So, stay around to learn how to increase profit without increasing traffic.

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How to Improve Your Profits Using Autoresponders

What is an autoresponder?

The technical name is “Autoresponder”, other known names include automatic responder, automatic email responder, email responder, mailbot, etc.… You write messages, load them on your Autoresponder, set the time you want between emails being sent out, then leave your Autoresponder works for you.

What an Autoresponder Can Do For Your Business?

If you want be a pro-marketer you should automate your business. Using an autoresponder can save a lot of money and a lot of time. These tools will make your business more efficient, freeing up your time to concentrate on other important areas. You can let your autoresponder handle responses and follow up with your site’s visitors, while you work on making other ideas to better your business or just getting out there and spending time with your family.

An email autoresponder can help you generate thousands of leads in little to no time at all. With a lot of leads, comes money. If you don’t have a customer list or database, chances are that you won’t be doing a lot of sales. Having a list of customers and potential clients to send promotional material to is a plus especially when you weigh in the fact that customers make your business. Without customers, you wouldn’t make any money at all.

Everyone who owns a business on the Internet is always looking for better ways to improve business. Email autoresponders make things easier than ever, helping you to minimize your daily routine by handling email support for you. You’ll save money using them as well, simply because you won’t be wasting your time answering emails. In the end, email autoresponders will help you get better profits as well. Even though they will cost you money the results they give you will far outweigh the cost.

How Important are Autoresponders to Internet Marketing?

Internet Marketing and autoresponders essentially go hand-in-hand. In today’s online business world, you simply cannot succeed at Internet marketing without the use of autoresponders. Autoresponders are used to achieve many of the marketing tasks that are essential to a successful online business.

Internet marketing can be very time consuming. Whether you do affiliate marketing or market your own products, an autoresponder is a big part of your marketing arsenal. Autoresponders are used to keep in contact with your past customers, and to develop a relationship with potential customers.

An autoresponder can be used to deliver sales messages to your opt-in customer list. It can be used to deliver email courses, to send reminders, and even to help you build an opt-in list if you don’t already have one. There are many creative ways you can use your autoresponder to make more sales and to build customer relations.

Any successful marketer will tell you that there are two tools that are vital to any type of online marketing – an opt-in list and an autoresponder. In fact, most marketers will agree that you could take away all of their other marketing tools, but they would fight to the death to keep the list and the autoresponder!

How Autoresponders Work?

At some point in our Internet lives, the majority of us have received a message from an autoresponder. It could have been a short response letting you know that the individual is away, or an email thanking you for something you have done. Perhaps it was even an email letting you know about upcoming products, or even an email letting you know that a message you tried to send couldn’t be delivered. Each one of these messages is a different version of a useful program known as an autoresponder.

Basically, there are three main types of autoresponders that you can choose from – remote hosted, locally hosted, and desktop hosted. Remote hosted are hosted on someone else’s server. Locally hosted are programs hosted on your own web server. Desktop programs on the other hand, will allow you to work from your own computer. Most people choose to go with remote hosted, as it makes things a lot easier.

When using remote hosted model, you need to pay monthly fees to get access to a web based system, or control panel. From the control panel, you can set up the autoresponder, preset messages, and decide how the autoresponder will handle the many different types of emails. One of the best services we have found is www.aweber.com their service is top notch.

Locally hosted, and desktop hosted autoresponders are a bit different. Basically, they are programs that you can installs and runs it on your own server or computer. You can save money with these programs, as you don’t have to pay a provider to operate the autoresponder. Although locally and desktop autoresponders are risky if your hosting provider goes south or your computer goes down you will not loose only your business but you will loose also your email list.

Autoresponder is a program or software that could reply your visitor’s or customer’s email automatically and immediately after you receive their emails. Hence it’s essential that you should have autoresponder enable on your business website.

For example if a customer has made a purchase s/he will get an ‘order received’ or confirmation email containing the particular of his/her purchase. this is to inform the customers that you’ve received the order and the order has been processed on your side. Without the autoresponder email, your customer might be wondering whether the purchase have gone through and whether you’ve received the payment. The automatic reply will also clear up his/her worries whether the purchase that he/she made is a scam. This is where you could automate your business without the need for you to be online 24/7.

Apart from that, autoresponder can also be used to get and manage the opt-in email list. You’ll notice that from most websites on the internet there are columns where they will ask you whether you would like to subscribe to their newsletter, ecourse or to dowload a free report, etc. Once you’ve entered your email, you’ll get their reply in your inbox automatically.

You can set the period of your email delivery to your opt-in with your autoresponder i.e. after your customer made a purchase, you can preset your autoresponder to send new email to the customers to promote new products after 2 days, 6 days or even 1 month. This is all done automatically without the need for you to log in to the internet for 24/7. This is one of the advantage and the real strength of an autoresponder.

When you are using an autoresponder with your website, you should always include a subscription box for visitors who wish to sign up (it’s generated automatically when you log into your autoresponder account). This way, anyone who visits your website and wishes to learn more about your products or offers, can easily sign up. Your autoresponder will instantly send out an email, which will in turn help you build your customer list. To survive in the online world of business, you’ll need to have a customer list. Autoresponders will help you manage your list and help it grow at the same time.

In all actuality, autoresponders are great to have. The way the different types work can be a bit confusing, although most are easy to use and easy to implement into your website. If you own or operate an online business an autoresponder is something you should never find yourself without.

Choosing The Right Autoresponder

It can be a somewhat difficult and time consuming task to find the right autoresponder. There are a lot of choices available on the Internet, each one ranging in price and features. Before you decide to purchase your own autoresponder, you should first think about your budget as well as your requirements. This way, you’ll know what you want and how much you are willing to spend.

First, you’ll need to decide the features you want. Next, you’ll need to take a look at some of the different types of autoresponders available on the market. You’ll also need to decide which type is right for you, and which brand name you think would work the best. You can answer these questions by comparing different brands, prices, features, and licensing restrictions.

If you put the proper research and time into finding your ideal autoresponder, you’ll save yourself a lot of time and headache in the long run.

Before you decide on which type of autoresponder to purchase, you should make sure that you understand what each type will offer you. There are a variety of autoresponders to choose from, meaning that some may not offer what you need. You can always research each type, and then compare prices and features. This way, you’ll know which type of autoresponder will work the best for your needs as well as your business.

The Difference Between Autoresponder Programs and Autoresponder Services.

Many newcomers to the Internet marketing arena are not aware that there is a vast difference between an autoresponder program and an autoresponder service. Not knowing the difference, they often purchase the wrong type of autoresponder, and find out too late that they have wasted money on a program that is useless to them.

An autoresponder program is a program that is set up on your web server (locally hosted autoresponder). This is usually a free autoresponder that comes with your web hosting account. Many people don’t like to use autoresponder services; so instead, they use an autoresponder program that they have more control over. Some of those people don’t like the autoresponder programs that come with their hosting accounts either and purchase autoresponder programs or scripts that must be installed on their web server.

Other people are quite happy with using an autoresponder service. This is a service that is usually paid for on a monthly or yearly basis. The fees are ongoing, and everything is browser based. In other words, you can set up your autoresponder messages and manage your opt-in list through your web browser just as you can with an autoresponder program that is installed through your web hosting account. The difference is that the service runs on the autoresponder service’s web server not yours or your web hosts.

Most online marketers are usually better off using an autoresponder service. These services are very easy to understand and to use, and no technical knowledge is needed to set things up. As a newcomer to the field, however, you might be concerned about the costs of an autoresponder service. If this is the case, you have the option of signing up with a free autoresponder service like www.razorbot.com.

Free services make their money by placing advertisements in each autoresponder message that you send out. Sometimes these ads appear at the top of your messages, and sometimes they appear at the bottom. Some of the free services are simply an enticement to purchase the professional version, and have many of the more advanced features, such as tracking, disabled. But this is not the case with razorbot service.

The autoresponder that you choose is strictly up to you, but in most cases, an autoresponder service should suit your needs. If you are unsure, look for a service that offers free signups, with the option of upgrading to the professional paid version at a later date like GetResponse autoresponder service.

How to Make The Most Of an Autoresponder

If you’ve created a website and started adding your content to it, chances are you’ve also built some links and submitted some articles to the major articles directories. After you have done all of the above, the next logical step, which many happen to overlook, is to take your business to the next level with an autoresponder. These tools are great to have, although many simply overlook them.

Often times, someone will visit your website through a link or search engine. In many cases, a potential buyer will look around your site and find exactly what he has been looking for. Sometimes, the buyer will get distracted with other things, and leave the site before he makes a purchase. There are many reasons as to why a potential buyer might leave your site before making a purchase, although you can capitalize and make the most of this opportunity with the use of an autoresponder.

By capturing the visitor’s email address, an autoresponder will give you the chance to contact the potential buyer in the future and capitalize on the sale that you missed out on before. Although like said above autoresponders are mostly known for their abilities to automatically answer email, they are also more flexible, allowing you to do so much more. If you use your autoresponder creatively and productively, you’ll gain more leads and customers to build a profitable customer base than you ever imagined.

The best autoresponders out there will manage your customer list and continue to follow up with customers who have signed up on your list. You can also keep your autoresponder list updated with new products and services as well. These programs will grow with you, allowing you to build a reputation in your area of business and become an expert over time.

Through the use of an autoresponder and an affiliate program you can contact your affiliates quickly and easily to let them know about new offers you have or offer them new material that they can use to help them sell your products to increase your sales and their commissions. You can also send out broadcast emails to your affiliates as well, providing them with tips and helpful advice that will assist them with selling your products.

Autoresponders are also a great way to provide advertising as well. If someone is interested in advertising on your website, you can use the autoresponder to automatically send out an email detailing the cost of advertising and how the individual can find out more about it as well. This is a great asset, especially if you make a lot of income with advertising on your blog.

Another way you can make the most of your autoresponder is by allowing your visitors a taste of what you have to offer and the quality of your products or services. If you plan to send out samples, you should avoid making it appear to be a sales letter. If you do, you’ll normally end up losing more business than you gain. Most buyers don’t like receiving sales letters, and will avoid doing business with you if they receive a sales letter.

Even if you’ve never used an autoresponder before, you can find many different uses for it. Autoresponders are great for many different purposes, other than answering emails. There are several types to choose from as well, which gives you plenty of opportunities for your business. All you need to do is select the type that works best for you then discover more and more creative ways to use it to your advantage.

Another good idea is to attach a signature file to every email that is sent out. This works as a repeated reminder of your business identity every time a customer sees it. The more they look at your signature, the more likely your business will spring to mind when your particular service or product is needed.

You can create a standardized signature that you can use. Of course, like everything in life, there are some rules and guidelines to creating a personal signature.

Keep the length of your signature file or as known also resource box between four to six lines of text, with no more than 70 characters in a single line. Make sure that your email program does not cut off your text! The content should include your name, your company name, your email address, fax number, and any other contact details, such as 800 numbers. Lastly, always include a short personal message about your business. It should be a subtle sell of your services or your products, and possibly your business’ reliability and longevity.

Email is an excellent marketing tool; it is inexpensive and it is fast. Use it to advertise your business by choosing your email address carefully. Your website should contain different email addresses for different contact requests. For example, sales@yourdomain.com for questions about sales or use info@yourdomain.com for information requests. It's a good idea to set up one for the owner, such as president@yourdomain.com. This presents your business in a personal, approachable light and insures that direct contact is provided.

Formatting Autoresponder Messages

Have you received emails that were all broken up? These emails have one or two words on one line, then eight or ten words on the next line. In some cases, one word begins on one line and ends on the next. These emails are very hard to read, and they appear to be very unprofessional. Is this what you want your autoresponder email messages to look like?

If not, you need to learn how to format your messages. Start by reading the instructions for your specific autoresponder. Each one operates a bit differently in the way that it handles text. For instance, some autoresponder messages will be messed up if you do put a ‘hard line break’ at the end of each line, while others will be messed up if you don’t! Find out what the right option is for your autoresponder!

Because each email client is different, you should not allow any line in your message to exceed 65 characters. This will help prevent lines from breaking up, and it is achieved by hitting the ‘enter’ key at the end of each sixty-five character line. The best way to be sure that your autoresponder messages are delivered in the correct format is to send them to yourself, before you send them to your list!

Improper Uses of Autoresponders

Autoresponders are wonderful! They can be used for a variety of things, but there are several ways that autoresponders should not be used. Using autoresponders in improper ways will make things a bit more difficult for other people, and it could make things really bad for you!

Having one autoresponder respond to another autoresponder creates chaos, and in some cases, it can overload servers. This happens when you sign up for something, using your autoresponder email address. You sign up, and a message is sent to someone else’s autoresponder, which responds to your autoresponder, which responds to that autoresponder – and this continues on and on until it is manually stopped and straightened out.

Some people use their autoresponder address on purpose when they sign up for discussion lists. In effect, this causes an their autoresponder message to be sent to the entire list, or to one person on the list, each time a person sends a real message to the discussion list. Needless to say, discussion list members and owners frown on this practice, and the autoresponder owner gets banned.

Avoid these problems and use your autoresponder in ways that it was meant to be used. Do not use the autoresponder irresponsibly! Not only will you create problems for others, but you may find that you get reported for spam!

Autoresponders are an effective and powerful marketing tool, allowing you to build your optin email list and make contact with thousands of customers and potential customers to promote your business. This is an invaluable asset considering how many potential customers you usually have contact with before you make an actual sale. Essentially, an autoresponser allows you to automate your business.

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