
Work at Home Business Internet Secrets To Success

In the last posting “What do The Most Successful Home Businesses Have in Common?” I told you I would reveal a “real” secret to success - at least it has helped me.

There are a few other things I really attribute to my personal success.

Let me share with you a few of them before I give you the “secret” I told you about.

1 - Focus

When I have some success it is always because I was totally “focused” on a specific goal.

Whether it was finishing my book that I wrote or completing a video or whatever... I was focused on achieving one thing at a time -- so focused I thought of nothing else until it was done.

I would drive my wife nuts because even at dinner or while at one of my son's games she would look at me and see that glaze over my eyes - I was focused on the task I committed to finishing and not on dinner or the game.

She'd ask me something and I'd say, "Uh... what Honey?"

I had no idea what she said to me.

2 - Write Down What You Want to Achieve

I always carry a note book with me everywhere I go so that anywhere an idea comes, I would quickly write it down and develop it when I get back to my house or office. I write down in it anything I wanted to remember; it might be something I heard some one say, read it in newspaper, etc…

I had written down what it was I wanted to accomplish before I started it - whether it was finishing up a project or developing a new product.

I just took my note-book and wrote what my idea was, what I thought it would look like and what the real benefit would be to my buyers.

That's it...

“I got it out of my head and wrote my idea on a note-book.”

I saved all of these note-book over the years and to my utter amazement almost EVERYTHING I had written on them have come into reality!

Every idea I wrote down and sketched out has become REALITY.

It blows my mind.

I learned that ideas are REAL... if you bring them out into the real world by writing them down... on a simple piece of paper. It BECOMES REAL when you SEE it in WRITING. Things start to happen. Weird, but true.

I'm still a bit shocked...

3 – Do Not Let Nothing Stop You

I let nothing stop me. Not computer viruses, not the weather, not interruptions, not bad moods, not colds, not anything.

If I didn't feel like working on my projects I just say to myself, "Do it anyway".

If I had a cold or a sore back from yard work or painting and didn't want to work on it I'd say to myself, "Do it anyway".

And I did it.

4 - The Big Work at Home Business Internet Secrets To Success

Lastly, and this is the BIG secret I learned:

You and I have dual personalities :)

One side of yourself loves to BUY stuff. This side of you wants to be fulfilled and buying things helps to fulfill your wants and needs.

Nothing wrong with that.

The other side of you, the side that wants to make money is DIFFERENT.

You see, I've found that there is a side to yourself that can be 'switched' on... and can automatically make you money if you understand that it is there.

It's uncomfortable at first, but later you'll see that without this side of your personality you'll never make any money in business.

I first discovered this side of myself when my back was to the wall... and I needed to make some money or I'd end up losing my house.

That's what it took for me to find it.

Don't wait too long for you to find it.

I call it a “sales personality”. I have a side that loves to buy ('fulfilled') and I have a side (now that I found it) that loves to sell.

But I also discovered that selling is NOT about money.

Let me repeat that, "Selling is NOT about money".

Well, it is sort of... but it's more about finding the products and services that people WANT and the triggers that make them BUY now.

Once you meet your sales personality, and accept this “side” of yourself you'll understand, finally what has been missing in your Work at Home Business Internet.

Most Work at Home Business Internet owners love the business they are in-but HATE prospecting and hate selling.

I don't blame them. I hated selling too, until I understood that selling is not about money – nope - it's about helping other people getting fulfilled and helping them get what they want.

Money is simply the benchmark you use to measure how well you're doing helping other people get what they want.

Let me repeat that, "Money is simply the benchmark you use to measure how well you're doing helping other people get what they want."

Your lack of money is only an indication you have not found out how to help other people get what they want.

The question is how do you switch to this side of your personality?

It's a tough switch.... I won't sugar coat it.

It means THINKING about what other people want for a change, instead of thinking about what YOU want all the time. (Thinking about what YOU want all the time is your BUYER personality, not your SELLING personality!)

It's thinking about how you can HELP other people and get paid to help them (you're not a non-profit after all :)

It's about thinking, at times, about how to reach your income goals (one measurement of your success) and what you have to do (legally and ethically) to make your goals.

It's about thinking about “value”... how to create value, how to build a value proposition and how to make your offers completely irresistible because you KNOW that your product will HELP someone with a problem they are having...

That's also worth repeating, "Your products should help people solve a problem they are having".

Helping others, or giving them what they want, as part of a “value” exchange is what business is all about.

More in the next posts…

If you’d like to keep up with Work at Home Business Internet development, you can read the related posts on this blog. Or just read all of this blog, starting from work at home. I swear it’s so amazing you’ll be sneezing rainbows.

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