
Top Tips for Writing Catchy Headlines

how to write headline

If your headline fails to catch your readers’ attention to make them want to read what you wrote all your efforts are wasted.

After all, the headline is read first. To be effective, you need a compelling headline to suck in a prospect and get them engaged enough to your article. And, let visitors know exactly what they should expect to get from your blog posts.

If you are a regular blogger who writes interesting articles to his/her community, you might want to pay more attention on how to write headline for article. 

Most bloggers, in addition to throwing all rules of grammar out the window, fail to recognize the importance of writing a good headline. 

In fact, many blogs don’t even have headlines at all!

If you have been online for a while you may have noticed that most blogs headlines are generic, boring and don’t tell the reader anything about articles or posts entries to which they refers. 

Think about it – if you’re scanning a bunch of headlines you aren't going to click on a headline that doesn’t seem to say anything in particular. Why would you? Instead, you’ll go straight for the headline that sparks your interest and makes you want to know more. 

On average, 80 % of your blog’s visitors will read your copies' headlines, but only 20% will read the rest. 

This is the secret to the power of the headline, and why it is so highly important to determine the effectiveness of the entire piece. 

Once you realize that the headline is the only gateway between you and potential readers, you truly understand how important it can be. 

So the next question is, “How to write headline for article or post?”

How to Write Headline for article To Make Your Reader Feel The Emotions In What You're compiling

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Before you start writing your article’s headline you need to answer the following questions:
  • To whom you are selling? (Know your targeted market. What problem they are struggling with? What they want? Ect…).
  • What product or service you are selling? (What benefits your product or service offers).
  • What is your marketing objective? (What do you want to accomplish? Do you want to introduce a new product or service? Boost sales to existing clients? Improve brand awareness? Gain new market share? Etc…).
Experienced advertising professionals have identified three different headline types that sell like crazy.

1 - Benefit headlines – These headlines type appeal to the benefits your product or service provides to your potential clients. Keep in mind the better the benefit, the more likely you'll catch your customers' attention. 

When the customers see the immediate benefits and know exactly what they're getting then they will act.

2 - News headlines – present interesting and newsworthy information about your product or service. It can be a product or service announcement, a specific event or any other news.

3 - Curiosity headlines – This type of headline arouses the readers’ curiosity so they are compelled to read further. But, they are not as strong as benefit or news headlines.

Keep in mind that positive headlines offering a benefit produce better results than fear and loathing headlines helping someone to avoid a problem.

6 Tips On How To write a Headline That Provides An Incentive To Act

1. State the obvious. What is your article about? What particular topic does your entry discuss? Stating the obvious means people will know what your post is all about before reading it. Don’t use a misleading or vague headline.

2. Be creative and come up with something catchy but stay away from phrasing that is too “cute.” 

Blog readers don’t want you to treat them like children or talk in a patronizing manner – they want information.

3. When haunted by the urge to create a pun headline, resist! You will be glad you stayed away from that territory, as “puny” headlines are way over done. 

But there is an exception to the rule – puns may be used if a good reflection of the post tongue-in-cheek blogs can have pun headlines.

4. When trying to think of a headline (not always an easy task) make a brief outline of your post and use it as a starting point for your headline.

5. Use proper punctuation. This increases your writing's professionalism and integrity.

6. Avoid unclear headlines that make a person wonder what you’re really talking about.

No Fail, Time-Tested Methods On How To Write Headline For Article

1 - Question type - These headlines ask clear questions. If you want this headline type to work, it better ask a question that your customers want an answer to. 

When people are asked questions, human nature is to want to answer them.

Example: Do you want to loose weight in a natural, easy and healthy way?

2 - Top ten reasons type - Okay, it doesn't have to be ten reasons or even the top reasons. But just as everyone loves how to headlines, they also love top ten reasons.
Example: Seven warning signs that may mean cancer.

3 - How to… type - A “How To...” headline is an effective way to tell your readers that you are going to help them accomplish a specific task with clear and concise step-by-step instruction on how to do something.

Example: How To Find The Best Home Business Idea That Suits You Most!

4 - How I… type - The “How I…” headline shows people that what you have done really works and it can work for them. 

This helps your readers believe they can achieve success if they do the same as you.

Example: “How I made $1000 my first month online giving away a free report.”

5 - Methods To…type - The “Methods …” headline type - This type of headline tells readers certain ways to improve something such as their life, health, blog, or anything else.

Example: “7 Methods To Promote Your Affiliate Website For FREE”

6 - Top…Tips to… Type - People like to read tips and tricks. Because they believe you are helping them on a personnel basis to help improve their blog or website. This worked well for one of my posts…

Example: Top Tips for Writing Catchy Headlines.

Most Used Tricks And Strategies To Help You Write Catchy Headlines 

how to write headline for article

Here is a list of attention-grabbing words you can use in your headline

"Free, money, new, discover, secret, breakthrough, revolutionary, instantly, amazing, dramatically, improve, powerful, profitable, fast, easy, high-profit, now, low-cost, affordable, guaranteed, revealed, unleash, little-known, great, save, effective, etc..."

N.B. Every time you see a headline that grabs your attention, copy it down into a swipe file, so that you can refer to it once you want to create your own ones.

Never copy the headlines word for word. Use them as a resource to formulate your own.

These tips in how to write headline for article are a great start to help you in writing eye-catching posts' or articles' headlines. 

Of course, it’s always easier said than done, but once you put in a little practice the task will become much easier to accomplish.

Do you think that copywriting in general is a hard task? Do you need special skills to become a copywriter? If you want to learn how to become a copywriter you can succeed. 

There’s many other ways to create headline head line for article to grab visitors attention, if you have any suggestions please leave a comment.

how to write headline

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